
  1. Visit the UNIC Moodle site (https://courses.unic.ac.cy/) and log in to your account. Access the course and the specific Quiz you want to add questions to.

  2. Once opened, click the gear icon on the upper-right and select Edit quiz. This will take you to the page to allow you to add questions.

  3. On the right of the page click the Add button. This will provide you with 3 options:

    1. a new question: create a new question directly in the quiz

    2. from question bank: add a specific question or questions form the course question bank

    3. a random question: add a random question or questions form the course question bank

  4. Click a new question from the Add menu. You will be presented with the Choose a question type to add dialogue. This lists all the possible question types you can add to your quiz. A single quiz can contain as many questions of each type as you like. Select the type of question you want to add to the quiz then click Add. This will take you to the question editor.
