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Make appropriate changes in Moodle config
We navigate to /efstemp/..../moodle
We backup config.php into configbackup.php just for safety measures.
We edit config.php and we make the relevant changes:
we need to make sure the dbtype is the correct one in our case we have 'mariadb'
dbhost,dbname,dbuser,dbpass need to be of the newly restored DB instance.
wwwroot needs to change into the new URL eg https://dev.courses…
dataroot need to point to newly restored EFS with a path to moodledata
session_redis_host need to have the name of the redis for our application
Make appropriate changes in HTTPD
We need to log into our ec2 instance. and then navigate into our httpd configuration for Moodle
Go through the file and make sure we didn’t forget to use the path anywhere else.
Make appropriate changes in Moodle config
We navigate to /efstemp/..../moodle
We backup config.php into configbackup.php just for safety measures.
We edit config.php and we make the relevant changes:
we need to make sure the dbtype is the correct one in our case we have 'mariadb'
dbhost,dbname,dbuser,dbpass need to be of the newly restored DB instance.
wwwroot needs to change into the new URL eg https://dev.courses…
dataroot need to point to newly restored EFS with a path to moodledata
Make sure Redis cache is correct in Moodle application