Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

This article provides instructions for accessing and using Powerflow in Accelerate while logged in. If you're unsure of how to log in, follow this guide.

Step 1

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After logging in, navigate to your dashboard. Click on "Powerflow." If you haven't installed Powerflow yet, you can do so from the App Store.
For guidance on how to install apps, refer to this guide.

Step 2


Ensure you are in Stream Mode by selecting "Stream" from the options next to the model selector, as depicted in the image above.


Stream Mode is the default mode on Powerflow.

Step 3


To submit your prompt:

  • Type your prompt in the message input box.

  • Click the send arrow to submit your prompt, as depicted in the image above.

Step 4

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The results will be stored and can be accessed in the My Results section. If you need help accessing this section, please refer to this guide.

titleHow to edit and save the Title
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To add a title, click the "Title" input box, as depicted in the image above, enter a title for your conversation, and click the “Save” icon to save the title for your sesion.


When you click the “Save” icon, you will see a checkmark confirming the changes:

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titleHow to edit a prompt after sending it   

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To edit a prompt:

  • Find the prompt you want to edit in the conversation history.

  • Click the "Pencil" button next to the prompt.

  • Make your changes and click the “Submit” button to save, or click the “Cancel” button to cancel, as depicted in the image

below:Screenshot_71.pngImage RemovedStep 5
  • above.

titleHow to use the main toolbar options (Model selection, Mode selection, Copy, Export, New Prompt)
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The toolbar includes various functionalities like Model selection, Mode selection, Copy, Export, and New Prompt, as depicted in the image above



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  • Model Selection: Click the dropdown menu to select a different model

  • . For the Vision models (GPT-4o, GPT-4 Turbo Vision), please refer to this guide.

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  • Mode Selection: Click on the mode you want to enter your prompts.

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  • Copy: Click the dropdown menu to copy the conversation or

  • the replies only.

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  • Export: Click the dropdown menu to export the conversation

in different formats (Conversation, Replies).Screenshot_75.pngImage Removed
  • or only the replies to docx format.

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  • New Prompt: Click the "New Prompt" button to start a new conversation.

Step 6
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titleHow to see the Tokens usage
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Click "Show Token Details" to view the token usage details for your session, as depicted in the image above.

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Then, you will be able to see how many tokens you used during your session.

titleHow to copy a single prompt
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To copy a single prompt, click the "Copy" button, as depicted in the image above.


When you click the “Copy” button, you will see a green checkmark, which indicates that the prompt was successfully copied to your dashboard:

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titleHow to export a single prompt
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To export a single prompt, click the "Export" button, as depicted in the image above.

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Then, your prompt will be exported as a Word file(.docx format) and you will see it in your Downloads files on your device.

titleHow to use the formatting bar
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If you press the “A” button

on the

next to "Show Token Details,"


 you will see a new bar above your message field where you can format your message in any way you want to. You could create links, insert tables, and much more, as depicted in the image above.

Step 7

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To copy the conversation, click the "Copy" button, as depicted in the image above, and select either "Conversation" or "Replies" from the dropdown menu to copy:

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Step 8

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To export the conversation, click the "Export" button, as depicted in the image above, and select either "Conversation" or "Replies" from the dropdown menu to export the desired format:

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Step 9

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To change the Model, click the "Model" dropdown menu, as depicted in the image above, and select the desired model from the dropdown menu (the latest model is 4o):

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Step 10

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To add a title, click the "Title" input box, as depicted in the image above, enter a title for your conversation, and click the “Save” icon to save the title for your sesion:

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When you click the “Save” icon, you will see a checkmark confirming the changes:

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Step 11

Screenshot_88.pngImage RemovedTo create a New Prompt, click the "New Prompt" button to start a new conversation session, as depicted in the image above

To apply Formatting:

  • Enter your text into the input box.

  • Select the text you wish to format by highlighting it.

  • Choose the desired formatting option by clicking on the corresponding icon in the toolbar.

  • The formatting will be applied to your selected text.

After formatting your message, click the send arrow to submit your formatted message.

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  • Bold (B): To make text bold, click the "B" icon, then type your text or highlight existing text and click the "B" icon.

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  • Italic (I): To italicize text, click the "I" icon, then type your text or highlight existing text and click the "I" icon.

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  • Strikethrough (S): To apply strikethrough, click the "S" icon, then type your text or highlight existing text and click the "S" icon.

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  • Heading (H): To change the heading, click the "H" icon, then type your text or highlight existing text and click the "H" icon.

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  • Code (<>): To format text as code, click the "<>" icon, then type your code or highlight existing text and click the "<>" icon.

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  • Quote (“): To format text as a quote, click the “ icon, then type your quote or highlight existing text and click the “ icon.

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  • Generic List (•): To create a generic list, click the "•" icon, then type each item. Press Enter to add a new bullet.

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  • Numbered List : To create a numbered list, click the list icon, as depicted in the screenshot above, then type each item. Press Enter to add a new number.

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  • Link (🔗): To insert a hyperlink, click the "🔗" icon, enter the text you want to display, and then the URL. In the example above, the text “Test” will become hyperlinked when you insert the link you want.

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  • Table (☰): To insert a table, click the "☰" icon, then specify the number of rows and columns.

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  • Horizontal line (---): To insert a horizontal line, click the "---" icon. This will add a horizontal line to separate content.

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  • Preview (👁): To preview your text, click the "👁" icon, like in the example above.

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  • Side by side (image-20240520-143416.pngImage Added ): To view your text side by side, click “image-20240520-143503.pngImage Added“the icon. The text on the right is a preview of the text on the left, like in the example above.

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  • Markdown guide (❓): To access the Markdown guide, click the "❓" icon. This will redirect you to this page and it will provide you with additional information about formatting options.

Please note that your Accelerate’s appearance may vary depending on your selected mode (dark or light).

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