If you have difficulties creating new discussion topic or question on Moodle or simply don't know how this guide will show you how.
All you need to complete this guide is your Moodle credentials
Step 1
Click HERE or type “UNIC moodle” on your browser in order to log in.
Step 2
Once have logged in select course and then click on the forum you wish to interact with, for the sake of this guide I have chosen to reply to a post in the “Welcome to the Course” forum as shown above.
Step 3
You are now directed to your forum’s page click on the button “Add a new discussion topic” as pointed out in the above image by a red arrow.
Step 4
In the page that you will be directed to you will need to enter the subject on the subject bar and your message on the message box below it as shown above.
When you are certain of your entries click on “Post to forum”.
Step 5
The success message will appear on top as it is shown above and your discussion topic that has just been created will be shown under “Discussion”.
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