Accelerate App Store Uninstall and Install

Accelerate App Store Uninstall and Install

Prepared by

Test Scenario for

Prepared by

Test Scenario for

Foivos Polykarpou

Accelerate App Store Uninstall and Install



Test Name



Test Name


Accelerate App Store Uninstall and Install



  • 1.1. This test verifies the functionality of uninstalling and installing all applications in the Accelerate app store.

  • 1.2. It checks for any errors during the process and captures console logs and screenshots for further analysis.


Dependencies Installed: Make sure the required npm packages mentioned in Login with valid and wrong credentials are installed

  • Install minimist for environment variable (baseURL)

  • Ensure that the loginfc.js module is correctly set up and exports the page, browser, and baseUrl objects.

  • Ensure that the tenantSwitcher.js module is available and correctly implements the switchTenantSystemAdmin function.

  • The chai library should be installed for assertions.

  • The test environment should have access to the web application at the specified baseUrl.

npm install puppeteer minimist

Test Steps

  • Before Hook

    • Capture console logs from the page to monitor any errors or warnings during the test.

  • After Hook

    • Close the browser to clean up resources after the test execution.

  • Test Case: Uninstall and Install Applications

    • Switch Tenant

      • Use the switchTenantSystemAdmin function to switch to the system admin tenant.

    • Navigate to App Store

      • Navigate to the Accelerate app store using the page.goto method.

      • Verify successful navigation by checking the current URL.

      • Capture a screenshot of the app store.

    • Uninstall Applications

      • Identify and click all "Uninstall" buttons to remove applications.

      • Introduce a delay to allow each uninstallation to complete.

    • Install Applications

      • Identify and click all "Install" buttons to add applications.

      • Introduce a delay to allow each installation to complete.

    • Final Verification

      • Capture a screenshot after all applications are installed.

      • Log all console messages to inspect for errors.

    • Error Handling

      • If an error occurs during the process, capture a screenshot and log the page's HTML content for debugging.

Expected Result

  • 5.1. The test should successfully uninstall and reinstall all applications without errors.

  • 5.2. Screenshots should be captured before and after the process, and console logs should be free of errors.