Audit logs
This article provides instructions for accessing and managing audit logs in Accelerate while logged in. If you're unsure on how to log in, follow this guide
Audit logs are records of user activities and system events for security and compliance.
Step 1
After logging in, navigate to your dashboard. Click on "Audit logs." If you haven't installed Audit logs yet, you can do so from the App Store.
For guidance on how to install apps, refer to this guide.
Please note that your dashboard's appearance may vary depending on your selected mode (dark or light) and any installed apps.
Step 2
Welcome to the audit logs page. Here, you can view your personal audit logs, which include the log ID, action taken, resource, tenant, role, your IP address and timestamp.
For easier access to specific information, you can use the search bar in the upper left corner or filter your results.
Step 3
All tables in Accelerate offer the ability of Filtering.
Once you click on "Filters," you can tailor your results to meet your needs.
You can add as many filters as necessary by clicking on "Add filter" and selecting the column you want to filter.
Each added filter will refine your results further.
If you want to remove a filter click on the “x” icon next t that specific filter.
If you want to clear all filters, simply click on "Remove All"
Once you click on the small arrow next to the column, you can decide which of the filter you would want to choose:
Log ID
IP address
An operator is a condition that specifies the type of comparison to be made between data entries and the value you are looking for. It acts as a logical tool to refine your search criteria within a dataset.
"Contains": This operator is used to filter data that includes a specific sequence of characters anywhere within the entry.
"Equals": This operator filters the data to include only entries that match the specified value exactly.
"Starts with": This operator is used to find entries that begin with a specified sequence of characters.
"Ends with": This operator filters the data to only include entries that end with a specified sequence of characters.
"Is empty": This operator is used to find entries where the data field has no value at all.
"Is not empty": Conversely, this operator will display entries where the data field contains any value, disregarding what the value is.
"Is any of": This operator allows for filtering entries that match any value within a provided list of values.
Step 4
If you wish to sort your results, simply click on the small arrow next to the column headers. This arrow will appear when you hover your mouse over the column.
Additionally, you can pin, hide, or manage your columns by clicking on the three dots next to each column. These options will appear when you hover over the column.
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