Quiz: How to Set Up a Quiz Activity

This guide details the steps of how to set up a Quiz activity in Moodle at the end of which you will be able to start adding your questions.

For a video overview of the basic options on how to set up a quiz please view this video: https://youtu.be/WbyLXZZL858


  1. Visit the UNIC Moodle site (https://courses.unic.ac.cy/) and log in to your account.

  2. Open the course you want to create a Quiz for. Click the settings gear located at the upper-right corner of the course page and click Turn editing on. After doing so you will notice that you are able to make changes to the course.

  3. Navigate to the area of the course that you want to add the Quiz. At the bottom of the Topic/Week click Add an activity or resource. You will be presented with a list of all the possible Activities and Resources you can add to the course. Locate and select Quiz under Activities and click Add.

  4. The activity setting page will load. Below all general settings for the quiz will be outlined. Utilise the settings that best fit your needs. Any recommended settings will be indicated as such. Any settings not specifically mentioned can be left to their default values.

  5. Once all the settings are to your liking scroll to the bottom of the page and click Save and return to course.

Quiz Settings

Name: Enter a name for the activity. This name will be displayed on the course page.

Description: You may use this space to provide your students with additional instructions for the quiz, e.g. required readings before attempting the quiz, the quiz structure, etc.

Display description on course page: By enabling this checkbox the text entered in the Description will also be displayed on the course page under the Name.


Open the quiz: Enabling this will allow you to set a date & time after which students can start the quiz.

Close the quiz: Enabling this will allow you to set a date & time after which students cannot start the quiz.

Time limit: Enable this to set a time limit for the quiz.

Once the student starts the quiz the timer will automatically commence. Students cannot pause the timer for any reason!

When time expires: This setting controls what happens with the students answers in the case that they do not finish before the time limit or the quiz close date.

RECOMMENDED: Open attempts are submitted automatically. This is the default setting. It is the most lenient option. Anything the student has answered will be submitted automatically when the quiz time ends

Attempts allowed: Indicate the number of times each student can complete the quiz. By default a student can complete a quiz Unlimited times.

Grading method: If multiple attempts are allowed you can set how the quiz will be graded: Highest, Average, First attempt, Last Attempt

These options control what information students can see when they review a quiz. There are four (4) states to each quiz:

  1. During the attempt: this state is only active if you have enabled Immediate feedback or Interactive else it will be disabled by default.

  2. Immediately after the attempt: any settings enabled here apply for 2 minutes after a student submits the quiz, i.e. clicks Submit all and finish.

  3. Later, while the quiz is still open: these settings apply until the after the student submits the quiz, until the quiz closing date. If no closing date is set then this remains the active state.

  4. After the quiz is closed: these settings apply after the close date has passed. If the quiz has no close date then this state is never reached.

  • The attempt: If enabled, it allows the student to review the attempt.

  • Whether correct: Indicates for each question if it was correct, incorrect or partially correct (where applicable).

  • Marks: Allows the student to view the overall grade for the quiz.

  • Specific feedback: Displays feedback for each question dependent on whether it was correct or incorrect.

  • General feedback: Displays feedback for each question regardless of if it was correct or incorrect.

  • Right answer: Displays the correct answer for each question.

  • Overall feedback: Feedback given at the end of the quiz dependent on the students total mark.

Add Restriction: Various restrictions can be added to the activity to determine if students can view this activity.