Global Traning Articulate videos
Global Training Articulate presentations are secured with JavaScript files. These java script files check if a student is enrolled in a specific course before allowing access to the presentation.
For this to be done a JavaScript file is added on the generated Articulate files under the path presentation_content/custom.js.
The following procedure is used for checking
As soon as a student tries to watch a video, the getVideo.php file is called. The script ensures that the student exists in Moodle and if it does it calls the presentation_protected.html file. The presentation_protected file calls the custom.js file.
The custom.js file checks if the user is enrolled to the correct course, if not it redirects the user back to Moodle otherwise it shows the video. To check if user is in Moodle custom.js calls the file checkVideo which is on Moodle installation
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