

Disclaimer: Only the following text-to-speech software (also known as "read aloud" or "literacy" software) is supported by Respondus LockDown Browser. We cannot guarantee that any similar software will function properly during your examination.

Screen Readers 

Windows: The Windows version of LockDown Browser is tested and works with most available screen readers. We recommend using the screen reader NVDA on Windows. 

Mac: The Mac versions of LockDown Browser are tested and work with VoiceOver. Voiceover is built into the Mac OS.     

Keyboard Navigation 

There are some keyboard shortcuts that are unique to Respondus LockDown Browser for Windows and macOS. List of keyboard shortcuts: 




Quit the application 

Alt + F4 


Switch to the next tab 

Ctrl + PgDown 

Shift + Command + ] 

Switch to the previous tab 

Ctrl + PgUp 

Shift + Command + [ 

Close Tab 

Ctrl + W 

Command + W 

Navigation back (Previous webpage) 

Alt + Left Arrow 

Alt + Left Arrow 

Navigation forward (Next webpage) 

Alt + Right Arrow 

Alt + Right Arrow 

Reload the current page 



Stop the page loading 



Information dialog 


Alt + I 

Symbol keyboard 

Alt + K 

Alt + K 


Alt + C 

Alt + C 

Print Page 

Ctrl + P 

Ctrl + P 

Help Center 

Alt + h 

Alt + h 

Browse clickable items (forward) 



Browse clickable items (backward) 

Shift + Tab 

Shift + Tab 

Zoom In 

Ctrl and + 

Command and + 

Zoom Out 

Ctrl and - 

Command and - 

Reset Zoom 

Ctrl + 0 

Command + 0 

Text-to-Speech (also known as “read aloud” or “literacy” software) 

  • Kurzweil ReadTheWeb (Windows and Mac): LockDown Browser offers a built-in Kurzweil ReadTheWeb extension. (Note: There is a known issue with Kurzweil ReadTheWeb reading answer responses.)  

  • Texthelp Read&Write (Windows): LockDown Browser has a custom integration with Read&Write. When a student is using LockDown Browser, a “lockdown mode” setting will be applied to the Read&Write toolbar, preventing certain features from being used during an exam (e.g., web searches). The reader and Screen Masking functions remain available to students during the exam.  

  • ReadSpeaker webReader for the LMS (Windows and Mac): When WebReader is embedded within a learning system, it will work seamlessly with LockDown Browser with some security limitations (e.g., copy/paste and MP3 downloads are disabled). The reading, masking, and text enlarging functions remain available to students during an exam.  

  • Speech (MacOS 10.15 or older): Speech works with LockDown Browser, however it does not read multiple choice or true/false answer choices correctly in all LMS integrations. This issue and a potential fix is being investigated. 

  • Spoken Content (MacOS 11.0 or newer): Speak Selection will work with LockDown Browser and all LMS integrations, although it works differently than Speech. It requires the use of the hot key (Option + ESC) to read the text audibly.

Online Learning Support Unit tel: +357 22 367000 | +302103001845 olsu@unic.ac.cy

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