Recording in PowerPoint

Recording in PowerPoint

Recordings can be made directly from Microsoft PowerPoint. Depending on which version of PowerPoint you have, follow the appropriate method.

The record tab should appear after Slide Show on the top bar of PowerPoint.

In case it doesn’t appear you can follow these steps to make it visible.

  1. Right click anywhere on the ribbon until you see the menu below and then select Customize the Ribbon

    2. You will be presented with PowerPoint Options. On the right column find the Record and tick the box on the left. Then click OK.

Now you should be able to see the Record tab as the image above.

PowerPoint 2013 or newer:

This method allows you to record each slide separately. The steps outlined below will need to be repeated for each slide that requires a recording.

  1. Open PowerPoint

  2. From the menu bar select Insert

  3. From the Media section click the arrow under Audio then click Record Audio…

  4. This will launch a small window called Record Sound will open and this will allow you to record audio directly to the currently visible slide.

    Click on the record button (red circle) to start the recording. Once you have completed the recording for the slide click the stop button (blue square).

  5. Click OK to save the recording to the slide. An audio icon will appear at the center of the slide.

    Move the icon to a location on the slide/or off the slide, so that it does not cover any text.

  6. To review what was recorded on the slide hover over the audio icon to load a player. Use the media controls to listen to the recorded audio.

    1. If you are satisfied with the recording, move to the next slide and repeat the process for the next slide.

    2. If you need to make a change to the audio, delete the audio icon and re-record the audio for this slide.

PowerPoint from Office 365 *

If you have used Office Mix or Articulate in the past then you will be familiar with this recording method. You will start the recording and progress through the presentation as if you were presenting live. The audio will automatically be saved when you change to the next slide so you can move through your presentation fluidly without needing to stop each slide.

The article below best outlines how to record this way: https://support.office.com/en-us/article/record-a-slide-show-with-narration-and-slide-timings-0b9502c6-5f6c-40ae-b1e7-e47d8741161c#OfficeVersion=Office_365

* PowerPoint from Office 365 is currently only available to UNIC students. If you are a DL faculty member and would like to record using this method, then you need to request an @live.unic.ac.cy account from the UNIC Computer Center (support@unic.ac.cy).

Please state in the subject: Office 365 for DL recording

Office 365 will allow you to install MS Office on 5 different devices and will provide you with 1TB of storage on OneDrive.

Once you have completed your recording you will need to export your presentation as a video file before it can be uploaded to your course in Moodle. Follow the instructions here for further information: https://unicit.atlassian.net/wiki/x/XQBcbQ

GV - 06/20

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