Creating Webex Sessions for your Course

This guide only applies to Face-to-Face courses.

You must have the Webex activity already available in your course before proceeding:

All F2F Webex sessions should be scheduled to take place at the time that they would normally occur in class to avoid students having to attend multiple sessions at the same time.

This guide describes how to create/edit Webex sessions to your course.

Creating a Webex Session

  1. Visit the UNIC Moodle site ( and log in to your account.

  2. Open the course you want to create a Webex session for and click the Webex activity. This can be identified by the Webex logo.

  3. From the Virtual Meetings tab click New Meeting.


  4. A New Meeting form will load. Fill in the appropriate information for your upcoming session and once complete, click Create Meeting.



  • Name: The name of the session that will appear to the students.

  • Meeting date: Select the date of the first session.

  • Duration: Select the duration of the session (as it would be scheduled for your F2F course).

  • Choose Host Center: Select Training

  • Recurrence (optional): You are able to automatically create recurring sessions, i.e. create once and have it repeated. You could also choose to create a new session for each week.
    If recurrence is selected:

    • Ending: Choose if you want your repeated sessions to end at a certain date OR after a certain number of sessions.

  • Create Meeting: The session will be added to your Upcoming session in the course.


Editing a Webex session

After scheduling sessions they will appear under the Upcoming sessions of the course. You may have the opportunity to edit them if you forgot some information or made a mistake during scheduling.

Only sessions with Recurrence set to No Repeat can be edited. Click on the Edit button under Action to open the session editor. You can edit the following information:


  • Name: The name of the session that will appear to the students.

  • Meeting date: Select the date of the first session

  • Duration: Select the duration of the session (as it would be scheduled for your F2F course).

  • Update Meeting: The updated session will be added to your Upcoming session in the course.